

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Mini Progress

A hoyhoy!! 

I have been making some progress with the Coventry kit bash that is the Old Laurels. I managed to get a couple of pictures in late this afternoon. Sorry they are so dark. I will take some more down the road a bit. Lots of colour for this house. William Morris fabrics and wallpaper. Traditional pieces as well. I usually place my houses somewhere along the timeline between the two Great Wars. This is the kitchen and the little sitting room that comes of it. It's just a rough fit at the moment to see how it all comes together. I was sooo happy when all the lights worked after putting the house on it's base board!! I finally bought a Pretty Pleater. Oh my why did I not get one sooner!!  I used Studio E tutorial and it worked so well. So easy. Thank you Elizabeth!! Your blog is always an inspiration!! The sink I made out of plastic packaging and wood trims. William Morris fabric for the skirt. I am a lover of Morris designs. The tiles are printed out onto glossy photograph paper. Again I'll take better pictures when I can.

 Autumn finally appears to be here! I enjoyed the cooler weather and got outside. I also had to do some cleaning up after Cyclone Ita. I put the boys to work!! There was much wailing and bemoaning from the two of them. It was only a CAT 1 when it finally went through thankfully. We had  a heap of rainfall which is never a bad thing in the Top End. Winds did get up to 100kph and so a couple of my smaller trees decided it would be better if they just fell over. One gum went down on power lines up the street and so we were with out power for most of the day. I don't mind but the other members of my household that can't function without some form of electrical device suffered. They experienced something that I and most my generation had in ample excess. Boredom. Did them the world of good I think. 

This is my neighbours yard looking from my back landing during Ita. Yes the whole street is under water!! 

This afternoon's sunset from my workroom window. I do love long autumn afternoons.

Hoo roo everyone and be well in all that you do!!