

Thursday, October 19, 2017

A Quick Hello

Helloooo! I am still here. Been very busy or rather I think I am just slowing down!! Argh! I thought I would just take a couple of pics (poor light sorry!) of what I have been doing in between boring stuff. Think I am working on three houses at the moment. As I work on a house and get to a point where I get stuck I have found the best way for me to get unstuck is to work on something completely different. Once I get stuck on project 2 I have forgotten completely what the problem was with project 1 and I go and work on it. Does become a bit of a problem when I get stuck on projects 1 and 2. That is when project 3 happens. Half scale Fairfield, one of my own house designs and the Glencroft. Swore I would never do the Glencroft. It big. But it came up cheap on Ebay from an Aussie seller no less so I must haves it!! Also had the Beacon Hill!! Madness I know but what a challenge!!!! It is currently lurking under the lounge. The Glencroft has actually been quite a lot of fun and for me one of the eaiser Greenleaf houses to put together. Wish there were more pics in the instructions/destructions though. I didn't get any more pics of the Fairfield sorry. Rainy Spring weather doesn't offer much sunlight for good photos. I found an older one, I have done much more since. I only managed to get pretty grainy pics of the other two. I will get some more.

Longbourne. I got stuck on exterior colours here and lighting as well. What I was going to use turned out not to be quite what I thought or am I just overthinking (most likely to be the problem) and so I got stuck. Switch projects!

Fairfield. I have loved working on this house. Just love it. I only have one pic. I thought I had others sorry but I will get some more. Fireplace is a kit from RedCottageMiniatures. Shannon's kits are probably the best I have come across. Fantastic fit and detail. I love this fireplace! I have many other kits of hers, most I have made up and will take more pics when the sun comes back. This little house went through so many wallpapers. Most got ripped off which leaves an amahzing scruffy finish which I have for the most part left. Glad I print them out myself. $$$$$! Eek! I am pretty sure I have made all the right wall covering choices now. Maybe... It were I got stuck. Switching projects again.

Ah Glencroft, the house I was never going to do. I have gone for a lighter Tudor look. William Morris papers and fabric as well. Didn't know arsenic was used to make the green in wallpapers and made so many people ill! It very early days yet. Lots more to do. Am working on the staircase now and it went together way to easy. Got me worried. Will get some more pics too. Not stuck on this one....yet. Whohooo!!! I do want to make working windows and that may get me stuck.

Thought I would throw in a couple of photos from a quick school holiday weekend away at our favourite beach getaway. Talented local made the mandala. We got down there just in time to see it before the not so distant thunder made us realize the beach is not the best place to be during a storm. A mad dash back to camp to sit it out. Went back to the beach to see the storm head out to sea. Then in typical Aussie Spring fashion the sun came out and it was hot and humid. Enough time for a quick dip. Lovely day.

 Cheers and hooroo and don't behave yourselves too much!!! Carriexx