Yep I've been stripping again. Love it. Got this little rocker for nix. It was far too red and shiny so it got
stripped and sanded. With
that kind of red stain unless you keep going over it with stripper there will always be a hint of the red and even then not all if it will go. So it just got sanded and hit with some lavender
and beeswax.
Smells lovely. I recovered the seat with tapestry canvas. Didn't like the original arms. They were odd to say the least but my problem was answered when stripping one
split in half. Screwed up my face and thought now what. I broke the other one and made up a new armrest with the bits. Love fluff ups sometimes.

It was a very red chair.

Realised that I had been procrastinating over colours and stuff over my little cottage furniture so i just jumped in. Picked up a brush and with the motto 'I can always make another one if I fluff it' in mind just started. Gave my little sink cupboard a light blue wash. It needs a bit more
grunging in the corners. but not too much or people will think the lady of the house is rather unkempt.

I finally set about painting my little sloped cupboard. Didn't have a clue what colour and still really don't. I just sort of started with something harmless which was cream. Then a wash of burgundy, some sanding followed by dark tan shoe polish. It has a red cast to it and not really brown at all. Buffed it on and then went back over the cracks and grooves with more polish on a horrible paintbrush to add built up age. I added the poster cause the ides of painting it made me pull faces. I remember watching documentaries etc on the Depression and in other hard times and people used whatever they could for decoration. I wanted a handle so hit my box of findings and I made one from bending a small jewelry connector and the little
keyhole I bought ages ago
from somewhere!
Eggzactly what I had in mind for the ugly side-boardy thing in my dollhouse. Seeing how your chair has turned out means I'm not quite as scared of starting the job. Just gotta pick up stripper from Bunnings. The new arms look fab, way better than the old.
ReplyDeleteThanks a mint for the box of goodies! Hilda Grace loves the duspan and has already been busy with the dishmop ;)
Hi Sue!! I love stripping, not too sure why but I do. Love to see if I can wreck it and then save it. It usually works well. Even breaking the arm of the chair was a good thing. Glad you love the goodies. I had some cake stands to give you as well but I had one of those cleans ups that was so darn thorough I can't find anything. They went missing then. They'll turn up and I'll mail them of. Stay mini!
ReplyDeleteOh, the dreaded clean up - Can't Find A Flaming Thing Syndrome! Doing that myself since indulging in a new workstation on wheels, wonderful but can't put my hand on anything like I could with the old mess.